The Canadian Academy of Engineering /

Bridging Silos to Catalyze Decarbonization and Resilience of Buildings


Increasing the resilience of buildings against natural disasters, coupled with decarbonization, are daunting challenges for the market and institutions that govern building codes and standards, registered professionals, community planning and the energy sector. Current jurisdictional, institutional and professional silos are fragmenting the market and creating unnecessary conflict that threatens public confidence. Sub-national governments and the engineering profession are positioned to drive the evolution of the real estate, property management and energy sectors to catalyze investment toward optimal levels of building performance. This includes a principled approach to mitigate risks, maximize public benefits and minimize costs, while allocating responsibilities to the key influencers.


  • Andrew Pape-Salmon (Moderator). University of Victoria, Adjunct Professor
  • Harshan Radhakrishnan (Speaker). Engineers and Geoscientists BC, Manager, Climate Change and Sustainability Initiatives
  • Soheil Asgarpour (Speaker). PTAC, President &CEO and President of the Canadian Academy of Engineering
  • Evan Reis (Speaker). US Resiliency Council, Executive Director
  • Paul Chang (Speaker). Codes and Standards Development, Community and Technical Support, Municipal Affairs, Government of Alberta, Provincial Building Administrator

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