The Canadian Academy of Engineering / Programs & Publications

CAE Publications

2024-05 | CAE Roadmap to Resilient Ultra-Low-Energy Buildings

2020-10 | CAE Roadmap to Resilient Ultra-Low Energy Built Environment with Deep Integration of Renewables in 2050 – Symposium Proceedings

2020-10 | CAE Roadmap to Resilient Ultra-Low Energy Built Environment with Deep Integration of Renewables in 2050 – Conference Materials

2020-09 | Canada’s Resilient Recovery: A Commentary from the Canadian Academy of Engineering

2020-05 | Canadian Engineering History: A Thumbnail Sketch

2020-05 | CAE Energy Program Introduction

2019-03 | Resilient Infrastructure Project

2019-03 | A History (1987-2018) of the Canadian Academy of Engineering

2016-04 | Trottier Energy Futures Project Executive Summary and Project Summary

2016-04 | Engineering in Canada’s Northern Oceans Research and Strategies for Development

2016-04 | Trottier Energy Futures Project Final Report

2016-03 | Making Better Use of Science and Technology in Policy-Making

2014-07 | Canada: Becoming a Sustainable Energy Powerhouse

2012-05 | Canada: Winning as a Sustainable Energy Superpower – Volume I

2012-05 | Canada: Winning as a Sustainable Energy Superpower – Volume II

2012-05 | Canada’s Energy System: Progress Toward Goals – Our Report Card

2010-04 | Report of the Canada Power Grid Task Force: Volume I – Findings, Conclusions & Recommendations

2010-04 | Report of the Canada Power Grid Task Force: Volume II – Background and Assessment

2007-08 | Energy Pathways Task Force Phase 1 – Final Report

2006-05 | The Canadian Energy Challenge Workshop: An Engineering Perspective

2005-12 | Major Directions for the Future – Task Force on the Future of Engineering: A Framework for Discussion

2004-03 | The First Fifteen Years – A Brief History (1987-2002) of the Canadian Academy of Engineering

2003-03 | Engineering Issues #10, Energy and Climate Change

2003-02 | Assuring Competence in the Canadian Engineering Profession

2002-12 | Engineering Issues #9, Security and the Engineering Profession in Canada

2002-03 | Energy and Climate Change

2002-02 | Protecting the Public and the Environment

1999-12 | Engineering Issues #8, Evolution of Education

1999-12 | Evolution of Engineering Education in Canada

1999-10 | Public Investments on University Research: Reaping the Benefits

1998-03 | Wealth through Technological Entrepreneurship – Abstract

1998-03 | Engineering Issues #7, Technological Entrepreneurship

1997-10 | Lifelong Learning for Professional Engineers – Abstract

1997-09 | Engineering Issues #6, Lifelong Learning

1997-09 | Technological Entrepreneurship and Engineering in Canada – Abstract

1996-11 | Report on Ontario’s Nuclear Emergency Plan

1995-08 | Engineering Issues #5, Natural Disaster Reduction

1994-09 | The Role of Engineering in Building a National Strategy in Science and Technology in Canada

1993-11 | Engineering Issues #4, The Central Role of Design

1993-09 | Engineering Education in Canadian Universities

1993-07 | Engineering Issues #3, Risk, Safety and Society

1992-12 | Engineering Issues #2, Achieving Competitiveness in Canadian High Technology Industry

1991-12 | Engineering Issues #1, Managing the Environment – The Engineering Challenge

1991-08 | Engineering Research in Canadian Universities

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